Trad vs materialist world views

In the materialist view, humans are central
Abuse of one's relatives is "bad"
Abusing "imaginary" deities is OK

In the "Trad" worldview, humans are perishable
Deities transcendental

Abusing deities a graver misdemeanor than abusing fellow humans
The ethics of "materialists" / "moderns" stem largely from a framework that places humans on a pedestal

Traditionalists don't take human beings as seriously

Their focus is more on what they regard as the transcendental truths
I don't believe the twain will ever meet

We live in a materialist world. So we've all accepted the premises of atheistic materialism to a greater or a lesser degree, to get along.

But "Trads" remain amongst us. Who refuse to accept the primacy of Man
In the first tweet, I used the term "imaginary" deities

Notice how the term "imaginary" in modern materialist discourse has a negative connotation

Because modernity emphasizes "reality", "what's visible", "data", "facts"

It discounts the "invisible", the "imagined ideal"
Whereas the old world emphasized the "Soul", the "invisble", not the "real but perishable"

So the term "imaginary" is not a pejorative adjective in the traditionalist view, while it is pejorative for materialists

This is such a fundamental divide, that there is no meeting point
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