As a journalist someone who works in both, I'm just going to say this is the biggest trash take I have seen in the recent past. Here are a few reasons why. (THREAD)
An overarching thought: It’s important to remember both writing and visuals are critical to telling a story but oftentimes the visual elements are the ones that are forgotten about. (2/?)
I am a freelance journalist both through writing and visual storytelling. During planning, I have to put in just as much work on photos as writing. I have to come up with the story idea, build out the sources and rapport, spend time photographing, editing, and writing copy. (3/?)
I wholeheartedly disagree that “without a story, there is no need to hire a photographer” –– stories can be told through a variety of mediums including photo, writing, audio, interactive design, etc. The “writing is king” mentality is an entirely old-school way of thinking. (4/?)
Because of that gross way of thinking, visual journalists have oftentimes treated as second-class citizens in the newsroom. They may not be offered the same resources
– whether financial, through equipment, or even time to work on a story. (5/?)
Photographers may not have to deal with the same “burly revision process” that writers may face but trust me –– an in-depth photo editing session is just as draining. We also have to stay up-to-date on visual style and competing with thousands of incredibly talented folks. (6/?)
I’ve also found day rates for national editorial photography have been at MOST ~$450. Local stories – the majority I do – I get paid about $70/written or photo package. I’ve seen some pubs writing as high as $1/ word. This isn’t a fight in who’s at the bottom though. (7/?)
You also have to remember equipment is EXPENSIVE. A set of lenses and a camera can be upwards of $10K. Writing costs, by and large, a LOT less which makes it way more accessible. One reason *I* picked up writing was I couldn’t afford to buy gear to just do photo. (8/?)
Also, there are tons of crazy media contracts out there, no matter the medium. Some are full rights grabs and some aren’t and share the possibility of licensing work. Talk to your editors –– there may be wiggle room for something equitable but we need to have the discussion (9/?)
Visuals and written stories should go together like peanut butter and jelly. They compliment each other and each is critical to telling a good story. Sometimes each can stand on their own – cogs in a machine – but together they're great. (10/?)
YES, we should talk about what we're paid and fight for fair rates. YES, photographers and writers should communicate. BUT, we need to support each other in the industry that's hard as hell right now and takes like this just tear us more apart. (~fin~)
Also to add apropos to the age of #COVID19: Written stories can oftentimes be done at the comfort of one's home. I can't make pictures for a story sitting at home. The simple overhead costs and the possibility of producing work are just night and day between the two mediums.
Now ~fin~ for real. Hug your local journalist. Well, maybe just buy them a beer instead because of #COVID19 and you know... #SupportLocalNews
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