A thread on YTTD characters and what memes i associate them with, because funny may mays 😃😃
Sara as the dat boi meme
Joe as pogchamp
Kai as the “somebody toucha ny spagget!!” meme
Keiji as doge
Gin as random funny cat meme
Shin as trollface
Reko as the “you know i had to do it to em” meme (my personal fav)
kanna as surprised pikachu
Nao as the “is this a pigeon?” meme
Mishima as Ugandan Knuckles
Q-taro as whatever this is
Ranmaru as the damn daniel meme (get it, cuz his shoes switch up a bunch...eheh)
Alice as grumpy cat
End of thread!! Hope this thread got a chuckle out of you, or at least made you feel a little better! <33
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