Ranking of all Star Wars content with explanations (Films and Shows):
15: The Clone Wars Movie

This places last for me, this is because it is really just 3 episodes put together into a film. Still very entertaining and introduces amazing characters like Rex and Ashoka.
14: The Last Jedi

For me this is the weakest film of the Skywalker saga. The portrayal of Luke is awful and I believe the film tried to subvert expectations too hard and it ended up disappointing. But there is good moments and this is still a good film.
13: Solo

Alden Ehrenreich did an amazing job as portraying a young Solo, and actors like Donald Glover and Amelia Clarke also had great performances. However this places low as I don’t really think the film is memorable and overall wasn’t really necessary.
12: Rogue One

Rogue One was a very fun and well written movie, with some amazing moments like the Vader corridor scene and The Battle of Scarif. I also love how different it is to the other SW films. However this is lower as I never really was invested in the main characters.
11: TROS

There’s a lot to say about this film,but I think it deserves 11th on my list. The final act was mesmerising and was incredibly entertaining. However what lead to it was average imo. Palpatine’s return and force healing was annoying for me but overall I like this movie.
10: A New Hope

This film is great, an iconic film as it started the saga. It introduced to us some amazing characters like Han, Luke and Leia. All the scenes on the Death Star are incredible. However for me this film can get quite stale and slow in the middle.
9: Rebels

I love this show, it gave us some amazing characters and a great representation of how galaxy was between episode 3 and 4. Cameos from Ashoka and Maul also stood out in this series. Especially during the ending of season 2. Incredible show.
8: The Mandalorian

This show is amazing. With season 2 arriving in October this show could become higher on my list. Incredible acting and story telling. With characters you become invested in. It was also good to see what the galaxy was like post episode 6.
7: TFA

I love TFA. I left the cinema loving characters like Rey, Finn, Kylo and Poe. With amazing scenes like the Rey and Finn’s escape, Rey and Finn vs Kylo and Hans death. But I think Rey should have lost at the end as it would have been better for her character development.
6: TPM

This was the movie that introduced me to Star Wars. Qui-Gon was an amazing character and his death was devastating to me. We got to see how early Anakin’s trauma begun. It also had incredible scenes like the pod race and Qui Gon and Obi-Wan vs Maul.

We see the cause of the clone wars, the start of the eventual fall of the Jedi, and more of the trauma Anakin went through. Anakin, Padme and Obi-Wan were incredible in this movie. The Battle of Geonosis was also one of the best scenes in all of Star Wars.

Watching how far Luke had came since A New Hope was incredible to see. The Battle of Endor was fun and watching how Luke never lost faith in his father was inspiring. The whole final act was honestly amazing and overall this film is incredible.
3: ESB

Luke and Yoda’s scenes on Dagobah were iconic and honestly perfect cinema. Han and Leia’s on screen chemistry was great and obviously there is the final act with Luke and Vader’s battle and the iconic “I am your father” scene.
2: The Clone Wars:

The portrayal of Anakin, Obi-Wan, Padme and Palpatine were honestly perfect. There is not a second in this movie that isn’t entertaining, it has so many incredible moments and honestly it’s difficult to put into words how good this film is. PERFECTION.
End of thread, ALL STAR WARS IS GOOD STAR WARS. I just prefer certain SW content. Please interact as id love to hear your opinions on my thread! Likes and RTs appreciated❤️
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