it's time for frankie's youtube recommendations list!! i love to have videos to watch before bed and stuff, and i have a preference towards creative/wargamey channels so if you're interested in that kind of thing, buckle up!
first we have black magic craft, a wargaming miniature crafter who mostly specializes in terrain and spooky stuff-

jeremy's a nice guy who loves to inspire people to create stuff, often with really affordable tools & materials
if you've ever had any interest in dwarf fortress, playing or watching, kruggsmash is probably a good place to start! he narrates and illustrates his videos and it's super cute and fun to follow along with his dwarven journeys!
rybonator is a dice maker and even if you're not addicted to dice like SOME OF US you might enjoy just watching someone make em! really fascinating to see the process and rybonator makes some really fancy stuff, like dice with liquid centers!
ace of clay is a jolly fellow that makes big sculpey figurines and shows the process in a really in-depth and easy to follow way! he's been making creepy pasta stuff lately but i love his spooky and fantasy sculpts!
content warning- this channel contains detailed animal-on-animal violence!

the mink man trains minks & other animals to hunt and naturally exterminate pests like rat colonies and muskrats that are destroying river banks- interesting to watch his methods
content warning- this channel sometimes shows wounds from ocean garbage

if you want to see some sweet and heartwarming seal rescues this is the channel for you! nothing is staged, they've been doing this for 8 years and they've saved countless seals <3
that's about it for now! i follow a bunch more but this thread is getting LONG lol

these are my favorites and they're all fairly unknown compared to many channels so i thought it'd be cool to give them a shut out~
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