I find it very interesting when Christians say things are clear and definitive in the Bible, when they say there are absolute truths that Christianity holds and has always held, because if you study just a little bit of the history of Christianity...
you can see nothing is furthest from the truth. Doctrines have changed through the centuries, beliefs are varied about every single thing, and there is absolutely no universal agreement about anything, not one thing.
This desire and insistence on having absolute final truth about things, the need to be right, the insistence on others adopting our views and ideas, it is all rooted in supremacy complexes, in unhealed egocentrism, and deep insecurities.
Characteristics that we all find in cultures where dominating and competing is more important that collaborating and advancing together. Why are people so dead set on being right in regards to divinity, something none of us can even fully grasp?
Cause we have a belief that the one who is right is better, and since none of us is truly right about divinity, the after life, the soul, or any other spiritual things we can’t really explain, the best way to prove we are right, is to get the most amount of ppl to agree w/us,
Do you see how this is all connected to systems of oppression? To a patriarchy that asserts men are simply superior, better, dominant, and that demands women agree to prove the patriarchy is true?
To white supremacy that asserts white people and “white culture” is the norm, the best, the only way to exist happily and appropriately in the world, and that demands BIPOC agree to prove white supremacy is true?
To capitalism that asserts that being the most hard working is how you find success and make the best of your life, and that demands the poor work harder than everyone else to prove that as the rich get richer capitalism is good?
Popular Christianity in the west has been so deeply dominated by those in places of power and privilege, that it is used alongside systems of oppression to prove their absolute rightness, their objectivity, their absolute and undeniable truths.
Except nothing about Christianity is undeniably true, nothing is objectively real, and nothing is absolutely right. Nothing about Christianity is final, there is nothing that is crystal clear, there isn’t one way to be a Christian,
and any desire or need to prove that there is, is just the consequences of insecure people wishing to dominate others to appease their insecurities.
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