I'm sorry but, as a trans man, this take is not a great one imo.

So many trans people struggle with people viewing them as who they are, and not just a super fem/masc version of their birth sex. https://twitter.com/josukeluvbug/status/1303013830973415426
Lesbians are women who love women. If they are attracted to trans men as well, then they are bi, not lesbians. Trans men are men, and saying that they are valid partners for lesbians treats them as women, not men. Vice versa goes for trans women.
This thread is NOT to shame anyone for their pronouns, but saying that a) people who prefer male pronouns can be women, and b) that they can be in a wlw relationship to me seems like an attempt to give cis people another way to question trans people's transitions
I have already has far too many people ask me why I bother to transition as a fem trans man, and while transitioning is not required to be trans, normalizing non-trans/non-nb people using opposite gender pronouns 'just because' does more harm than good
You wouldn't say 'normalize straight men dating men', so don't say 'normalize lesbians dating people who use male pronouns'. They argue for the same thing.
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