CW/ food, ED

my life changed when i learned ADHD can cause/amplify disordered eating habits, due to difficulties with planning and forward thinking skills (which grocery shopping & meal making require). i'm working on this with my ADHD coach and here's what works for me!
1) dinner delivery services like hello fresh! this is not a grocery replacement (oops, found this out the hard way) but can supplement your meal plans so you don't have to worry about planning dinner at all. it rotates between different foods every meal, so u can cook new things!
the novelty of trying a new food is really exciting for me and motivates me to cook and eat, but if u have food preferences u can also customize which meals u get (i just check the next week's delivery menu on hello fresh each time i get a delivery, that way i don't forget)
for @HelloFresh, it's $60 a week for 3 dinners for 2 people (altho i find it's more like 3 portions!) it's very cost effective compared to getting takeout and u always have food to share or leftovers for lunch. i enjoy cooking so this is fun for me, but everyone's different!
2) PRE. MADE. MEALS. this is what really saves me for lunches (which i often forget to eat). let go of the guilt you might feel about it being expensive or wasteful (i still struggle with this) because if the choice is between buying premade food or starving, choose the food!
always choose the food. even if it's plain bread, or "junk food," always choose eating over not eating. i've really had to let go of my ED mentality of "i can only eat something if it's healthy/substantial/ethical" because for my health, i really just needed to eat SOMETHING.
3) snacks: i've found eating a lot of small meals until i make dinner is a lot easier for me! i graze on things like applesauce, bananas (i like to freeze them to make a banana popsicle), granola bars, tangerines, vegetables & hummus, smoothies, salads, anything from trader joe's
i do eat a lot of sugar and that's cause my body is trying to find the quickest form of energy. i know the more protein and carbs i eat the longer my energy will last and the less sweet cravings i'll have, rn i'm just trying to do my best to eat what i can. ❤️
4) re: smoothies, omg, these are my favorite breakfasts besides other soft simple foods like yogurt and chia pudding. i struggle to have an appetite for heavy foods in the morning so starting the day with something soft is easier on my stomach!
i really just want to help people. the people i saw online talking about their ED recovery really gave me the courage to talk about mine. i still struggle and am still learning. we all have each other, a beautiful community, to talk to and learn with!
CW/ food

making this thread reminded me to eat, so now i'm having pita and hummus (:
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