I’m about to start writing, but I wanted to share a bit about story structure, beyond just the three or five act structure — how you can find structure in other places and BLEND them into your three or five act build.

So let’s get it on... #writingtips
So we all know 3 act structure. I work in a 5 act structure but that’s essentially the same, just broken down a bit further. That’s a common (and necessary?) approach to story structure for your overall work. There’s also...
...the concept of making sure EACH SCENE has its own three or five act structure. Rising conflict. A midpoint. Peak conflict/darkest moment and some kind of resolution (but minor resolution because it’s part of the whole). So there’s that bit, but also...
...you can find other structures in NON-WRITING thought, structures you can integrate into your 3 or 5 act build.

An example. Sometimes I’ll use the 7 STAGES OF GRIEF to build out a character arc. I research them, think about them in terms of my character’s journey and...
...I’ll LAYER those steps into my existing act structure, making sure the character goes through each of those thresholds in the plot of the story. I’ll also use 12 STEP RECOVERY as a possible guide for my structure. Layering them, nesting them inside my existing structure so...
...the larger point is you can find structure WHEREVER THERE’S STRUCTURE, epsecially when it comes to examinations of human psychology. If you’re struggling with your character arc, think outside of just writing and explore the study of how we cross psychological thresholds...
...because story structure is really just reflective of how our minds and hearts work. Story structure isn’t independent of human psychology, it’s build from it. That’s why good structure feels right. Study psychology of all kinds. Not just recovery and grief...
...but look at SALES PSYCHOLOGY. Look at psychological POLITICAL THEORY. Find the similarities in that and 3 act, 5 act story structure. It may help you build your narrative so your character(s) are always PROGRESSING and changing through the narrative and the result...
...can be stronger writing in your scenes, scenes with stronger purposes, stronger CHOICES and CONSEQUENCES for your characters and a better defined character with a powerful character arc.

Try it out. See what happens. Happy #writing

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