I had an idea how to explain privilege to people who may be struggling to understand it.

The analogy I will use is Harry Potter, or, more accurately, Daniel Radcliffe.

Daniel Radcliffe was a child actor with a couple of low-profile acting credits under his belt before Harry Potter.
During the Harry Potter franchise popularity, and after, as an adult actor, Radcliffe grew an impressive list of acting credits.

Harry Potter was his start.

As a man of a shade under 5ft 5in, he should have been in a tough spot for acting gigs.

He's not ugly enough for "unusual looking male" parts.
He's not tall enough for "rugged hero parts".
His face is too sweet for "brooding bad guy" parts.

Acting is a tough job.

In general, male actors who look like Radcliffe won't be put forward for parts in those main categories by their agents.
If an agent sent him, as an unknown, for a "rugged hero" role they would lose credibility for wasting casting directors' time.

Yeah, acting is harsh.

So, how did Radcliffe build up such an impressive list of credits as an adult male actor?

He was Harry Fuckin Potter.

He was offered roles that another male actor with the same talent, look, and work-ethic would not get because they did not come from being Harry Potter.

And this is not to say Radcliffe has not worked hard.
It is not to say he deserves anything more, or less, than any other male actor.

However, it should be pretty obvious that if Radcliffe hadn't been Harry Potter, he would not have been any of the later roles either.

Privilege is a start.
Privilege is a doorway to future rooms inaccessible to those without the "correct" past.
It's not your fault, it doesn't make you bad.
It doesn't mean you don't work hard or struggle.

But it does mean that one good thing inevitably leads to another.

Next time you want to dismiss the concept of privilege because you think it is a criticism, or judgement of you personally, remember Harry Potter and the Massive Career Boost.

Next time you see Radcliffe starring in a movie, remember there are thousands of actors like him.

If you started with parents who cared for you and guided you, that's your Harry Potter.

If you had access to good education and enough food, that's your Harry Potter.

If you were taught to effectively converge with the dominant culture, that's your Harry Potter.

We all start somewhere, and the slower our start, the harder it is to catch up.

One favourable element, or one lucky break, will make all the difference.

The game of life is not zero sum.
Punch up, not down, nor sideways.

Be aware of your privilege.
Use it for good.

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