People say gender is a performance.

I say gender is where the community wrestles you to the ground and forces you to wear ugly clothes that they picked for you which fit like shit, and people threaten to beat the hell out of you if you discard the crap they just forced onto you.
Then you escape, running away from the crowd while screaming, and hide in a thrift shop where you pick your own damned clothes that fit well and look nice, and then you walk out of the shop, and give all of your neighbors the finger.
The moral of the story is that gender isn't a performance for me. It's a way of relating to self and others that feels comfortable to me but so many of the people I'm surround by seem to want me to don a "performance" that makes them feel more comfortable with themselves and me.
Those other people are abusive assholes, and the performance I want to see THEM participate in is jumping into a dumpster that's rolling downhill, and then splashes into a lake at the end of the street.

Fuck all of them.
(No neighbors, dumpsters, or lakes were harmed during the making of this thread.)
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