1) Pondering Jer.22:13 NLT(1996): And the Lord says, “Destruction is certain forJehoiakim, who builds his palace with forced labor. By not paying wages, he builds injustice into its walls and oppression into its door frames and ceilings. “
2)Gods response Jer.22:16: “But a beautiful palace does not make a great king.” God is not fooled by external beauty and accomplishment. He knows the crooked foundation and rotting boards covered with paint don’t make either a great king or a great nation.
3)Shaken by the stark reality of what God says happens when forced labor w/o wages Is used to create; injustice and oppression are BUILT into the entire structure.The parallels between Jehoiakim and our nation’s history with slavery are painfully clear to me.
4)Look - I love my country. I’m grateful to be an American. I’m thankful for the men and women who serve to protect my freedom. AND I have a growing realization that some rotten wood was used to build our country. Injustice and oppression are in our walls.
5)The past is past in that we can’t undo it. But to the degree in which the past is still affecting the present and the future, let’s admit it, repent of it, lament it, learn from it and start to rebuild.
6) Once we see the sinful reality and repent of it, we can begin to become the kind of people who accurately reflect God - those who love and live out righteousness, justice, mercy, and humility. “Isn’t that what it means to know me?” asks the Lord.(vs16)
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