I fundamentally don’t understand why some trans people want the trans community to be some kind of exclusive club where someone needs to prove their dysphoria before they’re allowed to receive support. how does this help anyone?
in my opinion, the best thing that could happen to us is widespread acceptance that there are many ways not to be cisgender. understanding that there isn’t a strict checklist of things a trans person must conform to so they can be “really their gender” or “really trans”
normalising that being trans and/or nonbinary is a spectrum, that some people might identify in some parts with their assigned gender, that they might transition socially but not medically, that’s fine & helpful if we want people to be able to live how they are comfortable.
we shouldn’t have conform to cis people’s narrow view of what a trans person looks like in order to be respected as our gender. instead, we should show that this view IS narrow, that trans people are individual, have different needs and can’t all be put into binary boxes.
before fully accepting myself I used to be afraid that I did something wrong, that I didn’t fit what a trans person had to be in order to be really trans. no questioning person should feel that way & we shouldn’t encourage this pressure as a community that is built on acceptance.
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