A lot of times people come to me with similar questions - "how do I get into RP?" or "where's the best RP?" or "what's a good guild?"

So I wanna take a thread to answer some of these questions as concisely as I can.
RP is not something you need to do huge levels of prep for. It's not an exam, and there's no way to do it right or wrong. It is a PURELY recreational activity meant for fun and fun alone.

Because of that, you have no obligation to anyone else when building your character.
You can come in with a fully fledged character, or you can come in with just the bare bones. Ben has been around for five years, and I'm still not done with him. It's very common for you to find your character's footing more through interactions than backstory right off the bat.
Most of all, know that the ONLY person you need to impress with your character is yourself. You aren't making them for others - you're making them for your enjoyment. That character is your baby, so make it however the hell you want.

If people give you hell for it, fuck 'em.
Past that, there is no "correct place" to RP. I've seen people collect in places like Lion's Rest or the Valley of Honor, but you of course are not bound there. All the world's a stage, and in this dry spell, you'd be surprised how receptive people are to RP outside the city.
Sometimes it's as simple as asking a friend to RP in an unorthodox place. Sometimes all it takes is a "I'm here" tweet to get people running. You're not even obligated to RP *in* WoW. Discord as well is a great resource if you can't actually log on, and it's entirely acceptable.
You don't NEED a correct place to RP much like you don't need to make a character in a certain way. You make what you want, and you do what you want where you want.

Furthermore, you don't need any guild to do it - you can make great RP without an official group to your name.
A guild, however, CAN be great. But in my opinion, when you're just dipping your toes into the experience, looking for a guild right away is somewhat folly. When you get into it with your friends, eventually, the right group of people will find YOU. It can and will happen.
So don't go into writing your character with any imparted expectations. Don't go looking for a specific space that you think you have to RP. And don't feel obligated to find any guild quickly.

RP is for you, and it's not a chore. Do it how you please at your own pace.
You can follow @BenGrandblade.
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