Also from the files: the BBC’s first national IP network, REITH, as implemented in 1994 with handwritten annotations by yours truly. Yes, those are 64kbps circuits... (for @paultweedy)
ISTR the 64k circuits were mostly multiplexed on the Beeb’s existing bearer network, the MTN, which also carried things like internal phone trunks, control lines and links for internal WAN services - think it was IPX at that point?
And yes, that’s a 64kbps circuit to Pipex providing Internet egress for the whole corporation. This was mostly an R&D facility, looked after by @bbzaaa - very few other people at the BBC had heard of this “Internet” thing, but that changed rapidly over the next few years.
And yes, REITH did stand for something. Damned if I can remember what. Anyone?
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