tw// suicidal thoughts

imma just spam tweet in this thread so it doesn't annoy people as much

but man do i wanna die
literally just wish i didn't exist rn,, idk what triggered these thoughts again but shes loud as shit
my friends don't care about me, nobody does

if my friends cared they'd reply to me, they'd call me when i needed them, they'd be there. but they never are

for the people who try to be there for me,, i push them away or keep them at a distance
so at the end of this its all my fault, because I stick to the people I know will hurt me then I avoid the people who want to help

its my fault
I try to convince myself that things have gotten better but they haven't. and I don't think it ever will. I've been dealing with these bullshit emotions since I entered highschool and in still the same after graduating highschool
I've become so good at masking my emotions that nobody can see that I'm struggling.

maybe that's why I have an ed. bc I want someone to see how bad I'm getting.. but even with my ed nobody sees it all, not even my family who I've been stuck with for MONTHS
everything is my fault and idk if i want to get better. maybe its time to stop trying because im so fucking exhausted
at the end of the day, if I died. nobody would give a shit
why can't anyone see that I'm hurting, why??

im making it so fucking obvious at this point.
I make all these mental health posts on instagram to encourage others but I can't even help myself
literally what is the point of living if its just pain, every fucking day
I wanna cry but I can't. my chest feels so heavy
this is so sad I've been like this for 6 years. how am I still alive
ayo kill me rn ty
ayo ayo fr someone kill me rn pls holy shit

i dont have any means to do it,, im literally so fucking useless
why can't my brain shut the fuck up holy
If i didnt tell my fucking therapist that I tried to kill myself my mom wouldn't have gotten rid of my pills. i hate it here, now I just wallow in overwhelming emotionss
this thread is such a mess, I hope no one reads this LMAKAOAOA
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