It is possible to believe in science AND God.
It is possible to love our adoptive families AND advocate for family preservation.
It is possible to be grieving AND grateful.

It is absolutely possible to hold all of these things, and believe that our lives and our work are connected to a greater purpose.

Please stop telling adopted people that their adoption was “God’s plan.”
1. It’s not your place. 2. It’s hurtful.
It also assumes to know what someone believes or doesn’t believe about their own journey.
If it’s true that the more empathy we have for ourselves, the more we’re able to have for others, then I’d implore you to be curious—
instead of telling us that the trauma, grief, and loss that we experience daily is “meant to be”.
The answer to trauma has never been about looking on the bright side, but about empathy and compassion. Please listen.
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