@ByronWood_ you are mixing your opinion on what the system should look like with what the B.C. Coroners office actually stated. Labelling all services as not using evidence based care is simply inaccurate and harmful: https://twitter.com/ByronWood_/status/1302990062091603968
They said “develop and or revise provincial regulations for public and private addiction treatment facilities and services to set standards for provision of evidence-based treatment and require that these programs be systematically evaluated and monitored to ensure compliance.” 2
That may or may not mean that all treatment services use all OATs, or have 12 step or no 12 step modalities. I am hopeful this work happens and that any evidence based system and standards will be determined through using available research and consultation with all stakeholders
A strong system of substance use care requires that we have robust treatment AND harm reduction programs that work with and supports/understands the role of the other. Now is not the time to be scaring people away from accessing treatment. https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/birth-adoption-death-marriage-and-divorce/deaths/coroners-service/death-review-panel/bccs_illicit_drug_overdose_drp_report.pdf :end
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