Dear JMC,
I did the market last year, and although things are quite different now, let me give you some very general advice. This is based on my own experience and we are all different, so take it with a grain of salt. #econjobmarket #EconTwitter
The job market is like a marathon, several months of intense work, uncertainty, stress. The objective is not to be the best, but to make it to the finish line. For that, you need to ration your energy and be resilient.
Pay attention to your diet & sleep habits. These are pillars of your well-being and productivity. Try to eat as healthy as possible, sleep reasonable hours, don't work just before going to bed. Going to bed/waking up at the same time every day really helps to rest better!
Exercise regularly, and if possible, with others. This will help you a lot to release tension, cope with stress. Doing it with others will make it more enjoyable and easier to commit to it. E.g. @cmtneztt and I joined a football team so every week we had two hours of fun!
Don't give up on the things you enjoy. Sure, you'll have much less free time, but whatever your hobby is or stuff you like doing, don't cut it out entirely. Instead, use it as a reward after a day of hard work or to motivate you.
Take long breaks from time to time to disconnect and reset. It can be a day in the woods, a relaxing weekend elsewhere, whatever. For that time, do not work/check emails/media/think about the JM. Believe me, it will pay off. You will get back fresh and full of energy.
Rely on those you love & be thankful. Explain to your partner/family what you will be going through. They'd love to support you in whatever way you may need. You have/had amazing people in your life, reconnect with them, say more than ever: thank you, I love you, I miss you.
Don't face the market alone. For sure you know someone else (nice) doing it. Join forces, work together, help each other in all of the stages. Don't let you buddy lose hope, cheer him/her up. He/she will do the same when you need it most. Together you are stronger.
Focus on the important & practice a lot. Rewrite your JMP intro a hundred times, have people read it, practice your spiel over and over, master your job talk... The more prepared you are, the more confident you'll be, the best you'll perform.
Plan, but be flexible. It's good to have some deadlines to push you to work (e.g., on day X I'll upload my JMP to my website), but don't kill yourself if you don't manage to achieve them. Remember, the objective is to keep moving.
Don't think about what you cannot control. Focus on what is on your reach and you can improve. There are very few positions? Forget it, out of your reach. An interview didn't go as expected? Forget it, move on (actually, they may have loved you!)
Do not compare to others. It can be very frustrating to see colleagues getting interviews/calls why you don't. Ignore all that. First, you only need one job. Second, it doesn't mean anything about your quality as a researcher, not now, not in the future.
Be patient. Let's face it, it'll be a very tough market. Now, things are no over in Feb. There will be opportunities popping up thorough the year. Even if in June you don't have a job, don't despair. One way or another, we'll figure it out. Your first job is not for life!
The academic job market is not the end, it's the beginning. Regardless of the outcome, the preparation for the JM is a step to become a better professional in the future, it's an opportunity to adopt habits and work ethics that will help you a lot, even outside academia.
The market or your research does not define you. As I said earlier, whatever the outcome is, it will probably have little relation with how good of a researcher you are or can be, and nothing with how good of a person you are. Be proud of yourself no matter what!
Finally, never, ever forget what you have accomplished to make it here. You're truly amazing! Beyond that, you are a wonderful son/daughter, partner, mum/dad, friend, citizen... In the end, that's what really matters, so again, be proud, be better, and be thankful!
You can follow @MartinFS13.
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