so i've not really posted here for a long while, i've been evaluating what it is i really enjoy about making art because for a long while it hasn't really sparked as much joy as it used to so here's a fun thread on my findings!
i like many others got caught in a trap of looking at numbers on social media, by doing this i ended up making art that i thought other people wanted to see vs what i wanted to see. while i enjoyed it to an extent, it still wasn't as satisfying as i know it could be - i burnt out
i also felt pressured to produce content just for the sake of it, i'd often think 'oh i haven't posted anything in 2 weeks, that's bad I need to make something' which also very much contributed to this burn out. i wanted things to be different going forward!
i spent a few weeks only doing things i wanted to do - i tried out some new hobbies, played video games, lounged around with my partner and didn't give social media a single thought. it was like unhooking a parasite from my brain (if you'll excuse how dramatic that sounds haha)
i started making art again once my brain mellowed out, and i feel so much better for it. so going forward i might post a bit less but you can at least know anything i make was made because i truly 100% wanted to make it ✨
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