Can’t believe I need to say this, but racism and sexism aren’t because of capitalism.
Capitalism is a reason it is acceptable in our society, but they are not one and the same.
As long as capitalism is around, so will be systemic oppression. My point is that the issues can’t be boiled down to simple terms when it is complex af. If that doesn’t make me a leftist, that’s fine, I’m not a leftist. I don’t believe we can unify without reckonizing that first.
In all fairness, I view this through the lens of modern day racism and sexism. In terms of racism, slavery got the ball rolling. I never meant to deny that, implicitly or explicitly.
On the other hand, look at the internment of the Japanese, or the trail of tears. These things aren’t rooted in capitalism. I don’t think it’s a catch all.
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