@SolarEdgePV Los Angeles has beaten you :-)

My 7600A hit 61 degrees centigrade and promptly went offline yesterday... and stayed off the rest of the day, mostly.

It complained about a phase balance error: https://photos.app.goo.gl/8BpzSyRmDkr7mmTV8

This morning it's back online, cheerfully pumping out energy... but it's relatively cool out, and not likely to exceed the temp rating.
But yesterday's heat storm will come again sometime.

This is a wake-up call. Make sure your inverters can stay online during punishing heat storms like Los Angeles has been having. Upping max rating to 65C seems like something to consider.
Also, this was near USC. Temperatures were 7 degrees C higher in large parts of Los Angeles. So upping max rating to 75C might be needed... or improving the cooling of the inverter. The heat sink was 13C above ambient here.
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