what your fav walls song says about you, a thread.
Kill my mind.
- indie af
- your music taste is probably pop-punk
- you’re the definition of cool and intimidating
- probably wear those bandanas and pull them off
- edgy but in the best way possible
Don’t let it break your heart.
- you either went through something traumatic or are going through it
- heart of gold
- loves intimacy and cuddles
- stronger than the average person
- the therapist friend
Two of us.
- you probably like putting yourself through emotional trauma
- soft soft soft soft
- oversized jumpers 24/7
- values family above all else
- protective of those around you
We made it.
- in a relationship
- probably struggled a bit but hey you made it!!
- Louis is your comfort person
- your sig other is probs jealous of Louis lol
- likes winter over other seasons
Too young.
- you got your heartbroken :(
- scared of getting older
- nevertheless always planning for the future
- wear your heart on your sleeve
- I’m pretty sure you’re the mum friend
- you’re probably a larrie (join the club)
- is so so so so proud of Louis and his achievements
- get burned out pretty easily
- introverted/ambivert
- you probably like softer songs
Always you.
- emotionally expressive
- crave true love more than anything else
- stubborn but for good reasons
- probably find it hard to let someone in
- you probably play the chill pop playlist
- scared but conquers through it like a champ
- loves sarcastic humour
- is the funny friend
- serves looks without even trying
- take things day by day
Perfect now.
- you’re insecure, don’t know what for (I had to)
- you are patient, like the worst thing could be happening and you’re still hopeful
- loyal and will support your friends through anything and everything
- caring and such a sweetheart
- you care a bit too much for everyone
- persistent but rightfully so
- has such a big heart and it’s never full
- overly cautious and independent
- don’t take anything less than what you deserve
Only the brave.
- people think you’re dramatic but you’re just emotionally expressive
- a cry baby but it’s not a bad thing
- let people screw you over bc you don’t establish boundaries
- some of the sweetest and most caring people to exist
- can be called overly passionate
End of thread.

Special thanks to @hbwlovato @SUNFL0WERL0U91 @KILLMYSCRIPTED And the SO LONG SYCO gc for helping me with this ❤️
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