thread explaining why it's ignorant, self centered and invizibilizing to the latam community to call usa 'america' - from a latinx.
before i start i want to say that 1) don't speak over me, i'm latinx and you shouldn't silence me more than i already am silenced, 2) my intention is not to erradicate the term americans referred to ppl from the usa, but to educate you on this subject bc its pretty annoying to us
Now, the USA, as most people know, is also referred to as 'America' this term is wrong and i'm going to explain why.
You should know that America is in fact a continent, it has 3 ways of diving itself, 1) historically; one continent, the "new world", discovered by Columbus in 1492, America as a whole. 2) geologically, being north america, south america and central america, +
and 3) geographically, culturally, socioeconomically, it describes two worlds, anglo america and latino america, anglo america only being formed by the USA and Canada, and latino america having a lot of countries.
Now that we know that America is a CONTINENT, which also englobes LATAM, let's see how it's wrongly used by people from the usa
they use americans to refer to themselves, which i kind of understand because "united staters" doens't sound good, but calling the USA 'America' and pretending that the whole continent is just them, is a whole other thing.
A lot of people from outside America, think America is only the USA, which invizibilizes us, things like "let's make america great again" make me feel sick in the stomach, people from the usa calling their country america is so ignorant and self centered, it invalidates us.
It makes it sound like america is THEM, and them only, it makes it sound like latam is a whole other thing, like we're another species, or that they're the civilized ones and we're some monkeys.
It makes people say "why are there two americas?" or "why did latam steal america's name lol" and it makes latinxs feel excluded and invalidated, it's also so so ignorant, check your privilege.
Now tell me why is latam referred to as "latino america" or "south america" all the time while people rarely say anglo america or north america to talk about the usa, this is because they're assuming they don't have to specify because, after all, they're the ones that +
everyone knows, the ones that matter, right?, your country is NOT america, you're a part of america just like latinxs are, a latinx can say "i'm american" and it wouldn't mean they're from the usa,
this may sound dumb or not important to you, but i'm TIRED of being silenced all the damn time, latinxs are people to, stop ignoring us.
Shortening it: don't call the USA 'America' or ur an ignorant❤️ gracias
we have a term for them and it's "estadounidenses" (plural, estadounidense for singular) why do we have a term in our language and you don't have one on your own? why think u are so special to not have your own citizen name? why does every other country have it? MAKE UP A NAME.
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