The magnitude of @ByronYork's stupidity, dishonesty or both is truly something to behold. It is amazing that one of these propagandists would think no one would read the actual report. York is doing *exactly* what the report condemns - in exact words - that has resulted in.../1 a popular acceptance of his lies. @ByronYork is beneath a con man - at least they do it for profit. Byron does it so he can deceive America to get citizens to believe his falsehoods so he can preen to his fellow liars.

Here's what the report says about liars like Byron../2
...start with impact scum like @ByronYork have with their lies. First, as many point out, report says 93% of demonstrations are peaceful. Byron ignores.

Yet, polls show -because of lying' Byron and his ilk -that Americans think MOST protests push violence and destruction.../3
...of property. To what does the report attritube this disparity between truth and belief? Why, lies & deceptions of people like @ByronYork! He either skimmed the report to reinforce his belief or *intentionally* did exactly what it condemns as incompetent and duplicitous.../4
...but @ByronYork wasn't satisfied with misrepresenting the report. Oh no. He had to even lie about *the very statistics he cites.*

Byron says 570 violent demonstrations, which he calls riots. GOD, you are scum, Byron. No, that is not what it says.../5
...he has taken every incidence of *any* violence - even if one guy in a crowd of peaceful demonstrators breaks a window or loots - and calls it a "riot."

Guess what else @ByronYork is calling a riot? Every time someone pulled down, spray painted etc. a confederate statue...
...sorry, let out the link above. Here it is. But the next tweet really digs into @ByronYork lying and scumbaggery...
...but now, let's highlight @ByronYork fucking lying, his immoral ability to condemn peaceful protests, his revealing that he likely, if he lived in the 1960s, would have called MLK Jr. the n-word or an "agitator."

His "riots" number he makes up includes RIGHT WING VIOLENCE... fact, @ByronYork leaves out that the number actually include Kyle Rittenhouse shooting people as an episode of violence. Yes, a right wing Trumper charged with murder is being counted by Byron as a "riot" by BLM..., why is this important? It shows right wing lies works. Scumbag @ByronYork puts out his falsehood. Trump retweets it. Then FOX. Now, TA-DA! There were 570 riots.

I cant understand how these people live with themselves. They work *so hard* to make America a worse place...
...they work *so hard* to create a false conservative media bubble, where conservatives are living in fake world, ignorant of what goes on around them, ignorant of reality, because scumbags like @ByronYork endlessly lie to them.

Byron deserves no place in decent society, he...
...deserves to be shunned by true patriots, by people who want America better. He, through his lies, want Americaworse. Why? I dont know. Psychiatrists are needed to understand people like @ByronYork and why their beliefs justify lying so easily & causing so much damage.

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