So my younger daughter, Ruqayyah now has the same teacher who gave my eldest the nickname ‘Samosa’ despite complaints. She is now calling this daughter ‘ra cow’ even when taking the register. Bk to school in a pandemic is hard enough without these micro aggressions.
When i complained re eldest, I was told I had a chip on my shoulder, so doubt complaint to senior leadership will work.
Thanks to everyone saying this is not a micro aggression. I knew that, but felt so gaslit that i was making a big deal out of nothing the last time that I minimised it. How would you explain this incident to schools who are ‘horrified’ at any mention of racism?
I did complain, a lot. But sometimes when we complain, (esp within institutions) they close ranks, defend each other & make you the problem. This is what systemic racism does. I will escalate re this recent incident, but most brown/Black ppl know that schools never admit racism
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