thread of chaotic pictures from my childhood with sprinkled moments of fashion ✨

(not in order but i tried to be)
baby era i was killing the game, barely needed to wear clothes but when i did? fashion ICON
a little fashion moment for y’all and then my sister’s early representation of her current personality. we liked to joke when we were roommates in college that she is bert and i am in fact ernie
then ofc my little sister was born and all these pics give off a vibe i feel represents that very well. the middle pic is my favorite pic that will be in this thread. the last pic is prime emily fashionista.
a few more fashion moments for y’all. i literally was the queen of clothing idc idc.
two fashion moments wedged between a HAIR moment and my older sister once again proving she is bert and i am ernie.
these are two of my personal favorite looks. and the pink sequined bag? were you really a 2000s girl if you didn’t own that thing. it’s the pink on pink on pink on pink for me.
moving on more fashion moments, introduction of my childhood cat hagrid who died when i was in second grade, and me showing off my modeling chops. look at that real genuine smile ❤️ it definitely doesn’t look like my fave hurts.
that first picture is ICONIC idc it was my profile pic on here once. more fashionable moments. return of the fat wide leg flowy brown pants. recycling clothing items QUEEN. no waste here.
some more fashion moments. my family went on a cruise and my mom had us dress up for like three hours so we could walk onto the boat and look fancy (peak the black and white dress). i moved on from pink, and set my sights instead on wearing blue on blue.
thought i’d include a bit more chaos i feel that’s what y’all would want. my struggling in the second one. and no one was gonna help me? wow what a world we live in. ft my sisters pretending to kidnap me and me pretending to be dead.
y’all might be wondering, but emily how did you used to be so skinny?? i was a dancer silly gooses! those first two pics are me being a dance QUEEN, a la lin-manuel with that second one. complete with what i wanted to be for halloween vs what i was. we diy cut the pigtail holes!!
these are the last of the pics i have before the rhode island virginia crossover. including 1st day of 7th grade drip, me wearing a whole sweatshirt in the middle of the summer on a vv hot day, my dad turning to cannibalism, and the greatest selfie i’ve ever taken.
you may be thinking now that we’ve reached virginia the thread stops here but no. i continued to be a fashion star. y’all could NEVER top these fits. disney channel wishes they dressed their stars like me. ft the broken glasses my parents let me continue using for months :)
a few more iconic moments. peep the fact my hair is more red at this point as as of these pics i had probably dyed it red already 3-4 times. i am now 19 and have dyed my hair red too many times to count. i refuse to back down. i will be a red head.
aright to end the thread i thought i’d put some more recent ones (although that first pic is from like two or three years ago i look the same sjsksk) hope you all enjoyed ✨
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