This thread is for folks in my timeline retweeting @TomJChicago:

I understand the desire to diagnose Trump with FTD from afar. Reagan’s Alzheimer’s May have affected policy, and we don’t need more Reagan. It’s problematic though. 1/
Without an in-person assessment, it is tough to disentangle exactly what parts of Trump’s mental state are due to other causes (age-related vision and hearing loss, personality disorder, learning disability, etc) 2/
On top of that, my wife (an expert in FTD) and her colleagues spend hours each week assessing individual patients and trying to determine whether they actually have FTD. It isn’t always easy or obvious. 3/
It’s also a little disrespectful to patients actually with FTD. Minimizes their experience to what some commentator has to the idiot in tv. 4/
And disrespectful to the experts (like my wife) who trained long and hard and put in the work to understand exactly what the disease entails and how to treat it. If anyone can diagnose, why do we have specialists? 5/
Obviously, I think Trump is both an idiot and a danger. But he’s been a terrible person for a long time. It’s just that so much of it wasn’t public until now. 6/
Ugh. This thread is a mess. Obviously I have no idea what I’m doing
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