1- I have just been putting together my #WOWCON workshop all about mental health in kid lit! And now I'm excited. For those enrolled, I wanted to tell a bit about what to expect.
2 - I am going to be uploading some videos to YouTube for you to watch. Far better then reading realms of words and it will give us more time to get down to questions and interactions.
3 - I'll be telling you a bit about myself. Why mental health is important to me, how it has affected my life, and how I use it in my own writing.
4 - We're going to talk about terminology. What are the words to avoid, and what can we use instead?
5 - We're going to chat about why mental health is important in #kidlit. What message we hope to give our audience and why it's important to you!
6 - sensitivity is a huge area. Do agents want books about mental health? Do publishers? Let's find out!
7 - What's appropriate?

how can we include mental health in picture books? Chapter books? Middle grade and YA? Where do you drawn the line?
8 - there's going to be handouts, exercises, chatting and gifs. Bring your notebook and pen. Bring some snacks and a drink. Let's have a great conversation. Can't wait to see you there.

September 25th at 9pm!!!!

#wowcon #writementor
You can follow @MarisaNoelle77.
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