Here’s a thread rating the wave of abuse I’ve received this weekend!

As the BBC’s specialist disinformation reporter, I expect nasty stuff from conspiracy theorists. But it shouldn’t be the norm - which I want to highlight.

1️⃣ 9/10 - gets pedo in early and ends with threat.
2️⃣ 8/10 - DM to my private Instagram. I tend not to respond to abuse, but brilliant reference to Come Dine With Me that I just couldn’t ignore. Good use of hell imagery.

Just in case you fancy rewatching this gem:
3️⃣ 6/10 - another Instagram DM. Gets straight to the point with a threat I have to report. Keeping me on my toes on a Saturday night.
4️⃣ 5/10 - Anti-BBC stuff is generally less personally offensive, but still not ideal. Appreciate the ‘Have a good day’ the end. He’s obviously got manners.
5️⃣ 6/10 - Not very original and highly offensive nazi comparisons. This person sent me over 15 emails in the space of 12 hours.
6️⃣ 10/10 - Account with medium-size Twitter following puts clip of me (young female BBC reporter) on YouTube. It encourages conspiracy theorists to send me targeted harassment.
7️⃣ 7/10 - Healthy dose of misogyny. Going for the “silly little girl” angle - slightly preferred over my regular ”you’re Satan’s whore”.
8️⃣ 4/10 - accusing me of child abuse in disgusting messages that I’ve now flagged to this man’s employer!
The irony of all this is that as well as disinformation, I also cover hate speech and abuse online.

A combination of radicalisation by conspiracy theories, the disinhibition effect of being on social media, my beat and gender has resulted in a fair high level of abuse.
I wonder whether any of these people would be like Alan.

He apologised for abusive, racist comments he directed at Gina Miller on social media in a report I did earlier this year.

If you’re a troll (or not) - have a watch!
So many journalists, public figures and influencers receive horrible abuse online - far more than me!

Especially reporters covering disinfo.

Criticism of those with a profile is totally legitimate, but abuse and harassment online is not. It shouldn’t be normalised.
I really love my job and public service is at the heart of my reporting - so I’ll put up with this regardless!

But social media sites must do more to curb abuse, especially since it risks spilling into the real world.
Those sending abuse often focus on balance.

When covering disinformation, it’s not a question of giving time to false, unfounded claims and conspiracy theories that do harm.

It’s about reporting on facts, the sources of disinfo and understanding those taken in by it!
I really appreciate all of the lovely messages!

It’s so brilliant doing this job - I just don’t think daily harassment should be normalised.

Criticism welcome, but not threats and abuse - or encouraging followers to send me nasty messages.
You can follow @mariannaspring.
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