I hyperfocused so long on writing scripts that I’m now so hungry that it feels like I’m gonna be sick any second.

Might as well go into it: tw: food, disordered eating, weight
No matter how hard I plan to cook and eat better the next day, I keep pushing off cooking or get into a hyperfocus so long that it’ll be too late to cook, and I’m so low on sugar that I need to eat ANYTHING. Being German, that means bread (or any other carb/ sugary stuff)
Bread per se isn’t bad, but eating nothing but has me feeling bad. During work, I constantly snack out of frustration and the need for something to happen or just needing “something more”. It has gone so far that my only indicator for “I have eaten enough” is stomach pain.
I’ve been considered overweight my entire life, something people usually see as contrary to having ADHD, something that doesn’t fit the stereotype.
I love running for my mental health, but do I eat first? Or after? Do I answer emails first? Where are my shoes?
It’s hard to do anything routinely. Organizing and timing cooking is so difficult for me 😭

On the other hand, I often refuse to eat because it’s “boring or annoying” or I don’t like the texture and end up eating way too little, especially when I take my medication.
I’ve learned to make food out of things you don’t have to cook, like tins and glasses, or I use frozen stuff. I’ve felt ashamed about this for the longest time, but you know what? I’m trying my best and I love tinned mushrooms!
I’ve also gotten a dog to force me to go out and move and take breaks, and it has really helped me mentally.

I’m not sure where I’m going with this, but I wanted to mention that it’s a thing, and finding what works for you and what you like isn’t shameful
I was also too ashamed to order groceries because “I can just get it myself if I try better”. But you know what? I ended up eating crap like Joghurt with sausage dipped into it cause I run out of groceries.
And just adding: not eating regularly can be bad for your medication! Some medication even mentions that you should ideally eat protein before taking it in its leaflet if I remember correctly, so be aware of that :)
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