Keep your eye on Beacon Red. A for profit spy agency hiring a lot of expats supporting the Emirati dictatorship and their regional #fuckery and "strong man" agenda. What could possibly go wrong?
The ultimate goal is to survive any threat from Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood. And of course internal threats that dissidents. An offtake from the desperate need to outsource skills and labor, around 8:1 with only around a million actual citizens.
Why is this important? These nations are petro-family colonial era fiefdoms aka tribes with no accountability or transparency. Yet they consistently seek to suppress their people, destabilize democracies and neighbors simply to to survive.
Backward regions faced with sudden resource wealth held by one family are all faced with the same problem: How to stay alive, develop their region and not create a demand for democracy that would unseat them. Read the story of Sheik Shakhbut and Abu Dhabi.
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