On the topic of climate change, 'overpopulation' is a convenient falsehood for the ultra-rich.

The richest 10% of people are responsible for half of the world's GHG emissions.

An individual in this group typically contributes 175 times the amount of someone in the poorest 10% https://twitter.com/alliumdevourer/status/1302437643754504192
We also already produce enough food to feed at least 10-11 billion people, so we have enough resources to feed a much larger population than we currently have.
Efforts to fight a climate catastrophe should focus primarily on redistribution of wealth and resources + using/producing more sustainable resources + getting to the root of the problem by targeting the 100 companies that produce 71% of global emissions.
Greed and self-indulgence of the ultra-wealthy minority is the real issue.

Obsessing over overpopulation is a slippery slope towards eco-fascism.
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