Important thread on why the ‘greater good’ theory is complete nonsense.

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The UNESCO Declaration on Bioethics & Human Rights states that: “The interests & welfare of the individual should have priority over the sole interest of science or society.” This clearly places the interests of the individual above the interests of the collective or the ‘herd’
That means no one should sacrifice their own rights in the interest of the ‘greater good’.
You simply don’t have the ‘right’ to demand that others are vaccinated.
Nobody should have the obligation to vaccinate themselves or their children in order to protect the most medically vulnerable among us.
It is expected of us to make a sacrifice for the 'greater good' by taking the COVID vaccine, but our side of this bargain should be that we want this to be completely safe. However, no vaccine is without risks, let alone a rushed-through experimental vaccine. I say no thanks.
Vaccination is the only medicine and medical intervention given to perfectly healthy people, to prevent somebody else from getting sick. For such a sacrifice to be made (risking your own health), we must demand that the vaccine is 100% safe. Something that no vaccine is.
In 2011, the US Supreme Court ruled vaccines are ‘unavoidably unsafe’, acknowledging in theory that vaccines can cause injury and death.
Forcing someone to undergo medical treatment against their will violates the most basic of rights – the right to be free from physical assault.
Nobody has the ‘right’ to a germ-free environment outside of their own property.
Efforts to boost the immune systems of the vulnerable should instead be made.
Neither the Declaration of Independence nor the Constitution contains the phrase ‘greater good’.
No International Conventions on Human Rights contain that phrase.
The justification that you must sacrifice your rights for the benefit of the ‘greater good’, supposes that someone else’s life is more important than yours.
The rights of a group of people do not supersede the rights of an individual.
Line up for the greater good... Who decides what is the greater good, and who has the authority to impose it? Can I compel others to do what I believe is the greater good? If not, then from where does Government obtain the right to do so?
The ‘greater good’ concept authorizes the ten strongest in a lifeboat to kill the weakest so they can survive. After all, isn’t it better for the greater number? It’s a sick, perverted ethic.
Looking out for #1 is not selfish. Instead forcing a medical procedure, that carries the risk of injury/death and for which no one can be sued, onto others is selfish. We are not talking about a benign act, but a medical procedure with risks!
“Not wanting mercury, formaldehyde and aluminum injected into you by pharma companies who have no liability do not make you ‘selfish’. If you want to force such a thing onto others, you’re clearly the selfish one.”
Forcing a medical procedure that carries the risk of injury, even death and for which no one can be sued, onto others is selfish.

“Preventing the maiming/murdering of your child is not selfish, it is self-preservation.”
“Expecting someone else to take on risk by injecting something into their own body for your child, is indeed what is selfish. It’s about you wanting me to do what you think is best for you.”
As Homer Simpson said re donating a kidney, “so you want me to shorten my life so you can have a slight extension to yours?”
“I will not light my body on fire just to keep you warm.”
Why should I jeopardize my own life to protect someone else’s makes absolutely no sense!
I reject the argument that I should vaccinate to protect others because vaccination comes with risks of injury even death for which no one can legally be held responsible. My rights count too you know!
Why should the vast majority vaccinate, and infringe their right to bodily integrity, in order to protect a tiny minority of the medically vulnerable who can't be vaccinated? It's brutal, but surely you can't ask that of people considering the risks involved?
Tweet I got from an RN
It’s a fallacy that the medically vulnerable or immuno-suppressed people can’t be vaccinated.
I'm a private duty nurse. I care for the "immunosuppressed" & "medically fragile". They still get their shots!
It is not selfish of me to not vaccinate, but a question of self-preservation. It’s my legal right (according to an array of Int. Human Rights conventions), and I will not gamble with my health with a product that has pages of potential side-effects, one of which being death!
People who say it's selfish to say so because they believe there is no risk. They don't believe that they're taking a risk by vaccinating or they wouldn't demand you do so for their benefit. They vaccinate because they don't believe it's a risk to them.
Expecting someone else, a complete stranger no less, to take on risk by injecting something into their own body for your child, is indeed what is selfish. It's about you wanting me to do what you think is best for you.
You're being conditioned to believe freedom is selfish.
The vaccine debate really is not that complex. You either believe that the government should have full control of what is injected into you and your children or you don’t. There are plenty of other things we can talk about, but the core is medical tyranny vs medical freedom
We are being ‘encouraged’ to vaccinate to protect others, even if it is detrimental to our own health. I am being asked to sacrifice my health for someone else’s. Totally Illogical.
Full credit to the authors of some of the tweets/replies I have had. I have copied your replies, but don't, unfortunately, have your twitter handles to give you the credit.
You can follow @HegKong.
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