There's a lot of stuff in #Aggretsuko that probably we don't agree with, mainly because of the Japanese culture.
I mean, they tried to make a contrast between the Face Mask Psycho and Haida, like "Oh, but Haida is only stalking Retsuko in a ROMANTIC way!"
Like there's a "Good" way of stalking someone. I think they kind of ruined the character in this last season.
This thread does a really good job explaining all that's wrong with the series (probably because of said Japanese culture), especially in the last season.
That forced status quo is also really annoying.
It's like, #Aggretsuko is not an episodic series, because there's a story developing throughout the season, but then at the end of the season the plot is "resolved" and everything kind of resets for the next one.
Every season is a big episode. There's no long-term development.
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