BRUH!! Tell me why I thought I had already watched "Prince of Egypt" as a child. 💀 I HAVE NOT SEEN THIS MOVIE EVEEER IN MY LIFE, OMG 😂

Let me just say this tho, God's sense of timing talega, 2 good. Towards the end of last month I spoke on learning to listen to the voices eh
i touched on being more patient and obedient and just going with the flow. Bruh, let me also say again, "God has a different kind of sense of humor" I say this because some of the stuff said in the film really touched on what I been re-learning again, these past few weeks
Perhaps it serves as a reminder for me/us to be still learn, listen more, step out in faith/obedience and just do it.. RATTLE OUR SPIRITUAL BEING mada. Silence is the ocean, speech is a river, when the ocean is searching for you, don't walk into the river. Listen to the ocean.
Imagine Moses & how hard it must have been for him to stay obedient to God’s purpose for him under those really shitty circumstances. Every waking moment in his life, painful & good lead him to the deliverance of his purpose & a nation, a nation of God's people. TOO BLOODY GOOD
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