tw // food
how to cook an egg
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1. crack the egg open on a corner or if you wanna prevent egg shells from going inside crack it on a flag surface but i prefer cracking it on a hard corner because its easier to break the shell
2. heat your pan (idk how to explain it) and put oil in it and wait for the oil to be hot idk just wait because yiur egg will stick to the pan if u dont wait for the oil to heat up
3. once ur pan and oil is hot put your egg slowly to prevent the yolk from cracking
4. PLEASE dont fucking put it on HIGH HEAT YOU EGGS WILL BURN instead put it on low heat to prevent that from happening
5) zzzz uhhh when your almost finished cooking put on salt and peoper (??) uhh idk what you want to put in it ur gonna eat it not me
6) ok now that yr done cooking ur sunny side up ur now happy 😍😍🙏🙏🙏 pair it with bread or rice idc but im asian so i pair it with fried rice😍🙏
end of thread
fuck you
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