I think a lot of Americans have lost sight of the fact that the purpose of government is to collectively solve problems that individuals can't, and that vision of government as a servant of the populace is pretty much why I can't jive with anarchism.
You're not "self-sufficient." You're not "self-made." You're not a rugged individualist. You live with the possibility Bad Things Will Happen. Your house will burn down. You'll suffer a chronic, debilitating, non-lethal illness. A terrible crime will be committed against you.
And even if you don't suffer an acute, immediate issue that requires direct aid, you want to live in a world where your utilities are reliable, your hot dog won't give you botulism, and you don't even have to THINK about the stability of the bridges you drive over.
Those things are accomplished by collective action; decisions being made and enforced, with the correct motivations. Not selfish fuck-y'all-I-got-mine individualism.
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