This is the article with @theskinnymag that I contributed to. Cheers @apollyglynn for your interesting questions.
However this article has so far led to a bunch of male comics in a comedy forum saying that we who contributed are being misleading, one-sided and libellous. They have claimed we are "painting pro-clubs as dangerous dens of sexual assault".
We are "cheapening the language around assault and abuse" and the experience of women who have been abused.
"Do not call something rape that is not rape"."
"You're making it sound like most of the industry is a cesspool of abuse and discrimination, which I don't think is anyone's experience."
Listing of female comics who have "made it" and saying that anyone who deserves to be successful at comedy is general pushed and booked by pro-clubs. (Basically, it's just about whether or not you are funny enough).
All of these sign off with "fully support you though".
The fact that they considered this supportive language speaks so much about the attitudes around women speaking about sexual harassment.
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