When I was a kid I went to a museum that has an exhibit about the US fight for equal rights in our history. In the section about African-Americans they had a KKK costume to show how bad they are. I had nightmares about that costume for weeks after that.
I even used to have my mom check my closet to see if it would be standing there. When I saw it in the museum I asked my mom what it was, what they did. She told me a watered-down version and that was enough to terrify me and scar me to this day. I’m 19.
Even as a kid I could tell how bad and scary that hate group is just from looking at the costume in a museum. It terrified me even before my mom gave me the G version of what it was. Older people are sitting here saying that they’re fine, just a group.
They’re not. I could tell that just by looking at the uniform as a kid. I could practically feel the energy coming off it. It. Gave. Me. NIGHTMARES. If boomers are too much of cowards to say it then I’ll say it as if I was a kid again: KKK IS BAD. HATE GROUP.
This was what I saw. This was enough for me to know that they are a terrible group with a terrible energy. They are bad, that’s it. There’s no good there, not even a tiny bit. If it were good, I wouldn’t have been terrified on sight and started crying.
Something has to be done about the KKK. Trump won’t do anything, he’s too incompetent. He’s called them “very fine people” and defended their statues. A grown-ass man is too blind to realize they’re a hate group when me in early elementary school could tell from first glance.
And I’m saying this as a Caucasian man. Granted, I am a member of the LGBTQ community and in forth am probably on their list, but I didn’t have a grip on that as a kid yet. I didn’t know. All I knew was they are bad, plain and simple.
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