One Piece Community Misunderstanding of what it means to have the Worlds Strongest Swordsman Title (WSS)...
The community for some odd reason has came to the conclusion that Mihawk's title should be all about the skill of a swordsman when the title directly states in many translations "Worlds Strongest Swordsman" Which is translates to Sekai saikyō no kenshi...
Now I've mostly seen the direct translation argument for majority of the time when arguing the meaning of Mihawk's title but the truth is what it means to be "The Strongest Swordsman" has already been explained in the story...
Chapter 5 "The Pirate King And The Great Swordsman"
What we can gather in this chapter is the main reasoning Kuina cannot be the Worlds Strongest is due to how she was born a female because guys growing up will generally be stronger than a girl...
She directly mentions Physical Strength the reason she cannot be the best is because she'll lose out in pure strength, from her own mouth her own fathers logic and Zoro's as well they all tell us to be the number 1 its due to your own STRENGTH...
This is why we always see Zoro Training, as a kid to present day he is aiming to be the number 1 Swordsman and to get stronger is what he needs to do so...

Not to say that skill isn't important as well your skill as a swordsman matters a lot as Mihawk said "A Sword Without Grace Is No Strong Sword"
Another example would be the breath of all things which goes back to what Mihawk mentions of a sword not being a strong or even considered a true sword if it has no grace or cuts everything it touches, but remember this is all to make the swordsman stronger...
Everything about Zoro's character is about constantly getting stronger and what he can overcome but it all comes back to him being overall stronger even developing Flying Slashes which is how much he can produce due to how strong he is...
Zoro Learning Haki from the WSS all to Become Stronger
These panels show the theme of Zoro's character throughout One Piece which is strength his journey to be the best due to him constantly getting stronger and one day achieving it due to his STRENGTH...
So just remember whenever you're going against that or doubting him you're disrespecting his Dream straight up
Be objective and forget the agenda's go with what the story tells you straight up...
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