He calls Reinoehl "a dangerous fugitive, admitted Antifa member, and suspected murderer." Then he talks about Reinoehl getting killed by law enforcement.
Then, Barr writes:
"The streets of our cities are safer with this violent agitator removed, and the actions that led to his location are an unmistakable demonstration that the United States will be governed by law, not violent mobs."
So we've established that Reinoehl is a "suspected murderer." Meaning that he still has to be tried and convicted for his crime. Despite the fact that he has not been tried, he is "dangerous" and an "Antifa member." One of those things is subjective, the other doesn't exist.
If he is simply suspected of murder, and he will never get his day in court since law enforcement killed him, how then can you leap to Reinoehl being a "violent agitator"? And how is the police force any different than the "violent mobs" that Barr describes?
You can't have it both ways. The law enforcement agencies that killed Reinoehl participated in the exact same kind of "mob violence" that Barr says is happening in Portland. This is not an example of "justice" or "law and order." A uniform does not an arbiter of justice make.
No one is "safer" if the laws of the land don't apply to everyone, AG Barr. That includes law enforcement, the President, etc. etc. etc. Police forces performing extrajudicious killings are not upholding law and order.
It's late, I'm tired, and I'm sorry this thread was so long and probably not very coherent. Black lives matter.
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