Gender reveals have historically proven themselves to be more destructive than Antifa
Me trying to think how people managed in the olden days, not doing gender reveal parties (which are solely for the praise and validation)
I’m solidly on the “no kids” myself (I like sleep, money, and quiet) but I love studying why Americans adore the showmanship aspect of the traditional family (maternity photos, gender reveals, documenting their child’s monthly milestones for social media)
Why do gender reveals matter? What’s wrong with a postcard, email, a Facebook post, picking up the phone to call someone (😳) or just telling close family and not having to “make an announcement” ?

I get it. “Let people post what they want to post!!!” Yeah, okay. I’m really just curious *why* people want to post these things. What is so deeply ingrained in them that everything needs to be a public announcement?
“yOu pOsT a LoT oN sOcIaL mEdIa tOo” yeah bud I post my opinions for my own fun and not trying to garner likes and replies telling me “Omg you’re so amazing!” “Love you!” Or “I’m so happy for you!” “I’m crying I’m so excited for you baby mama!”
I’ll end it here with a thought provoking question: why do women call other women “mama” when they’re praising each other on social media
Okay that was not the end because I really want everyone to watch Iliza’s stories on this
One word, say it with me mommy bloggers: narcissism!
Just going to keep adding to this thread until I’ve released all of my frustration about this
Things the breeders have said to me: bingo!
who will take care of you when you’re old: not a child that I would put that burden on

You forget the pain of labor and birth: no I’ve seen pictures, you can’t forget that shit

Don’t you want to give your parents grandchildren: no they can settle for just me, thank you
Children are a woman’s greatest achievement: oof where to start with this one

What’s the matter, you don’t LIKE kids?: no Brenda your germy screaming child that you can’t go to the bathroom without is not very appealing to me
What if you parents hadn’t had kids: damn you really got me there, guess I need to make a life altering decision to raise a human because my parents did
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