Look I’m not a fan of the T slur personally but can people stop insisting that it isn’t used against trans men...?

I see people arguing about this online constantly and like... man just stop.
I take issue in general with the belief that trans men cannot experience the intersection of transphobia and misogyny.

It very much feels rooted in the idea that trans men need to exist as the “opposite” of trans women in our experiences, when that is NOT the case.
Anyway lmao I just stumbled into more of the same “trans men don’t face misogyny” shit online and I’m just real tired of it.
For a community that love to preach about gender being socially constructed and non-binary, we sure as fuck don’t seem to get that we discussing the rules of language and experience.
Like—I spent over 20 years living as a girl. People didn’t apologize and revoke their misogyny when I told them I identified as male lmao come on man.
Transphobes are so fucking misguided that I’ll be told “you’ll never be a real man” and “you’ll never be a real woman” in the same breath because they legitimately cannot tell wtf is going on Lmao. They just know they hate trans people. That’s what they’re rooted in.
Anyway stop fucking fighting eachother over who gets to be the True Trans Authority in which oppressive experience we’re allowed to have based on “well which WAY did you transition”

Like— 👀
Shits complicated. I still get misgendered over the phone and have shit man-splain to me. I have doctors disregard my medical issues and test results because I have a uterus and they don’t know wtf to do with that 99% of the time.

Just stop. It’s not so simple.
Not to mention—I’m a non-binary trans man. You’re trying to divide this like it’s clear cut and binary as hell when it’s *not*.
“Nonbinary trans people shouldn’t be categorized into ‘transmasc’ and ‘transfem’ unless they identify that way themselves.”

Right, absolutely.
So now keep that same energy when you feel compelled to categorize which “kind” of trans person is targeted by which transphobic slurs.
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