tw suicide , gun mention

i'm sure you've all heard of the video going around on tiktok right now and if you haven't: it's a very graphic clip of a man shooting himself in the head. here's a little thread on what to do if you come across this video or see it on your fyp:
tw suicide

here's what the video looks like. if you see it, either quickly scroll past or if you can: report the account that posted it and block them.
i really want you all to stay safe and try your hardest to avoid this video as much as possible. i don't understand how people find this funny or acceptable to post when i've seen some of my moots go into panic attacks over it. please be careful.
end of thread for now. if anything else comes out, i'll add it. much love.
little update: there's random troll accounts replying to tweets talking about this with the clip. if you see it, do not interact. i'm gonna try my hardest to remove it if they hit this thread.
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