open this thread.
i know you regret stuff you did in the past.
i know you’ve done messed up things you can’t take back.
but you gotta let it go.
stop holding yourself in the dark. from ur past mistakes.
you need to let go. it can be hard and it will be hard. but you deserve to move on and live the life you’ve always wanted.
don’t let those thoughts ruin the present. don’t let them ruin ur new journey.
let it go. if you continue to let it get to you. it’ll keep messing with you. it’ll keep hurting you.
enjoy ur life. regardless of what happened you can’t change the past but you can change the future. you decide what you do NOW.
i was angry at myself for months, alone and i struggled alone. i finally let go and i can breathe now.
breathe. you deserve to breathe. you suffer most when you hold on to ur past. let it go. free yourself.
i challenge you to fight. i know things are hard. but it takes time. don’t quit. keep getting back up and stop letting it eat you.
say goodbye. find yourself. free yourself. learn from it.
i love you
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