Threads like these are why I generally cant stand 🌹 twitter despite my ideological alignment with them.

It's filled with clout chasers with 0 practical answers as to how to get to where they want to go.

It's "burn it all down" unless Bernie won.

Voted for the crime bill
Voted for the Afghanistan war
Voted to fund the Iraq war
Said nothing about Assange
Refused to adopt UBI
Lied about the feasibility of M4A
NAFTA/PNTR were inevitable in a globalized economy

He isnt close to perfect.
Contrast him to Joe's platform and there are few ACTIONABLE differences. Joe is for $15 MW, increasing union protections, a public option, and climate action similar to the GND.

Keep in mind Bernie said nothing about the Maduro coup either.

The idea Trump is better is lunacy.
This is likely hyperbole, but Bernie could've made a milquetoast endorsement of Joe Biden and retired. He is going HARD for him instead. Why do you think that is?

You trusted him to lead a socialist revolution, but not on his assessment of Biden?

Final point on this:

Compare and contrast the responses to swine flu, Ebola, and COVID and count the deaths.

Case closed.
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