no one warned me about this man ahead of my Friday Night Lights binge. i need a life jacket.
no one in this town is keeping it together. I blame the heat, the pancakes for dinner, and the fact that football is dangerous
every time the camera zooms in on coach taylor’s face is an act of friendship. the camera and i are building a beautiful relationship
the thing about football that confuses me is how few feet are involved
lyla garrity’s father is who I imagine Santa Claus would be if he never found a philanthropic hobby
What will happen first: a coronavirus vaccine or seeing a vegetable on this show
I fear my boyfriend tim isnt going to age well. His BAC is pure sweat and alcohol
I fear Lyla grew up watching tv in the afternoon and exported a personality from a soap protagonist
The real guy you wanna meet is Matt Saracen in 6-8 years
So does coach not realize that my boyfriend tim is a quivering pint glass w the froth overflowing? bc it’s pretty obv to me
going to pretend that tim was descended from Greek gods & abandoned on planet earth & feels undeniably estranged from Texas society
Stern Coach that is an ice cream topping I wish they offered at haagen dazs
clear eyes. full hearts. can’t lose. > na na na na na na na na hey hey hey good bye
Trying to be open minded but i think I’m allergic to lyla garrity 🥴
“This is football. Things happen.”
—coach taylor and also the premise of the show
Next time I want to end my writing session prematurely gonna imagine coach is sneering at me & I’ll GET BACK TO IT
Lyla WOULD make out with my boyfriend tim. as I didnt already have enough to be aggravated about in the world
the only thing I like about football are the Friday night lights
attention: it’s 8:30 in the morning. friday night lights is playing. every moment of my life is Friday night now
Riggins just let lyla into his house and asked “are you hungry” and I responded “yes” out loud
all of the “high schoolers” on this show are teetering on the edge of a quarter life crisis, let’s be real
it’s good my Hulu sub has commercials. i need to regulate my heart rate while watching this show. who knew football was so suspenseful
guest appearance alert! mike from suits aka Meghan Markle’s wedding guest has materialized at the diner!!
coach taylor looks best when he’s grappling with a decision. or also when the camera is on his face. he pretty much always looks good then too.
Matt Saracen somersaulting over his words while talking to coach’s young Aphrodite-esque daughter — THAT is the adoration one needs in a man. Losing his English.
coach and Tammy BOTH are coaches whose goals are launching these Dillon, TX kids into bigger lives than they could imagine for themselves
Lyla talks like she read that “breathiness” was a cardinal virtue in a woman
me when I see someone indoors without a mask
the vast infrastructure in this town to support the game — pep rally! signs! trombones! — that’s what I’m going to require if I’m ever gonna finish a complete novel
Question: what about the show’s other unsung football players who are mere bodies to create the illusion of a full team? WHAT OF THEM?
If wide eyed Matt Saracen can lead this team to victory then I most certainly can get through this winter
Truth: There is always room for magic in the fourth quarter
Tyra better be getting out of Texas or I’m rioting
I’m also so moved by Jason Street’s storyline. Talk about TOUGH. This kid’s gonna pull through.
Just asked my mom to repeat the chant from memory: “Full eyes. Pure heart. We’re gonna win!!!”
Genuine question: why are the vast majority of the kids on this show only children? Coach’s daughter (still learning her name), Matt Saracen, Jason Street, Lyla Garrity...

Get! Me! Some! Sibling! Drama!!!
Jesse Plemons’ character is the guy whose childhood friend became famous & so he got a permanent spot in the entourage
I like the episodes where coach taylor is more of a therapist than a coach
My dad, in disbelief: “This show. They’re all good looking!”
Us: “That is TV!!!”
Why don’t Minka Kelly’s eyebrows get their own imdb page? They’re doing most of the work
I need to see Tim Riggins in mascara. How can we make this happen
sitting down, shutting up, and watching Friday night lights instead of writing the book
if Tim materialized in an agora in Ancient Greece it would essentially be confirmation that the gods of Olympus existed. it’d be like seeing Apollo in the flesh.
coach and tami are marriage goals. he gets stressed about his decisions, and then things get better after he lets her in, lets her help. not only does he listen to what she’s saying—he really hears it!
if somehow Kyle Chandler’s sparkling eyes could be transplanted onto a teddy bear, let’s just say I’d buy that teddy bear
you know how there are highpitched whistles that only dogs can hear & it makes them act all weird? That’s what riggins saying “lyla” does to me. #cantloseclub
buddy garrity is as skilled dancing as he is managing a football team from the sidelines which is to say not very. #cantloseclub
Is this show really about men trying to communicate with each other? And only being able to do so through the veil of a violent war game? #cantloseclub
To be honest I wouldn’t mind parking on Jason Street for a while. That smile!! #cantloseclub
sometimes I think this show was filmed by someone with the motor skills of a toddler #cantloseclub
to my ex boyfriend who said that mirror sunglasses weren’t cool...I present you: COACH TAYLOR. #cantloseclub
yep it really did take Friday night lights for me to realize the Texas flag has one star because it’s the “lone star state” #cantloseclub
Dillon Panther sounds like a character from Tiger King #cantloseclub
do we think lyla has an interesting/fiery inner monologue or is she really as boring as minka kelly makes her? this show taught me that being involved in a morally ambiguous love triangle does not make you interesting #cantloseclub
Tyra is a girl with an engine. I will be rooting for her to trampoline her way outta this town.

She would make SUCH a good lead in a romance novel! #cantloseclub
Coach somehow manages to be compassionate *and* stern at once. He sees what you can be and won’t let up until you’ve reached it. I hope we all have a Coach T in our lives at some point — esp at an impressionable age #cantloseclub
Ok genuine question: did half of the show’s budget go to Lyla’s lipgloss supply #cantloseclub
Hmmm I think the only way I’m ever gonna get anything done is if Coach T yells at me #cantloseclub
Man, I used to think a lot of things were sexy. Then I saw Riggins’ hair when it’s sopping wet from sweat. I have to recalibrate my entire ranking system #cantloseclub
it stresses me out that sports is one of the few avenues to economic mobility available to these kids. What do you do if you can’t throw a ball #cantloseclub
Smash get you HANDS off those ROIDS and you do so NOW! #CantLoseClub
Friday Night Lights is a show for moms about a topic for dads #cantloseclub
Jason knows in his gut that something is up w Riggins and Lyla. When your gut speaks, listen! (& don’t let it get eroded so that you don’t trust it anymore) #CantLoseClub
Tami is one of the only characters actively aware of & concerned about the culture that upholds this team. The toxic machismo & the rally girls being forced to behave a certain way. Interested to see what she does about it. #CantLoseCluh
For a man who says two sentences an episode, riggins says so much #cantloseclub
If Tami were on The Sopranos/Game of Thrones she’d use her massive gossip bank to maneuver the townsfolk like pawns & ultimately become Queen of Dillon #CantLoseClub
coach and jason wheeling around together 💛 this show is made up of so many memorable moments — where the characters’ actions speak louder than words #cantloseclub
INTERNALIZE THIS, LADIES (I still havent) #CantLoseClub
smash’s church raising money for him to take the test he lied about. His FACE as it happens. this show is made up of all these decent people really trying to be good & sometimes getting lost along the way bc life is hard #cantloseclub
there are verbs that haven’t been invented yet to describe riggins’ graceful, elegant, slow, wholly masculine movements #cantloseclub
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