I live in a deep-blue state with an insane governor and multiple insane mayors.

My city is VASTLY blue.

The cops are on an extended vacation.

There have been NO RIOTS and NO LOOTING.

Why not?
Because my city is 98 percent Mexican.

And Mexicans don't riot.

Most of the people in my city are Type A personalities.

The man who takes care of the yard and trees on my properties is an entrepreneur.

He had a whole crew that he had to lay off due to the pandemic.
So he did all the work alone.

He's in his 50s, with 0 percent body fat. Most of his customers had to stop hiring him, so he went out and found more.

I gave him more work to help him get through this.

He's slowly building up his crew again.
There was a single BLM march when all this madness began.

They marched down Main Street.

There were cops, but BLM isn't afraid of them.

These were all white people. Outsiders.

In my cities, when men go out to party, they dress like cowboys.
There was quite large crowd at the end of Main Street.

There's also a mask mandate.

The white BLM marchers wore masks.

The Mexican cowboys didn't.

They lined Main Street on both sides, like this.

Talking only to each other, like this.

Men of all ages, like this.

Only about eight people decided to march.

They stopped chanting after only a few feet and then double timed it to the end.

And they never came back.

Why were they so intimidated?

Nobody yelled at them. Nobody made any threatening gestures.
I have no idea how my city will vote on November 3.

It doesn't matter.

@realDonaldTrump will get his landslide
Mo' ALSO said Trump banning "diversity" indoctrination is a move so offensive to Americans that it will backfire, because not a single American THINKS it's propaganda.
Although Mo' opposes the rioting and looting, and he opposes defunding the police, he supports the protesting because he believes that black men die disproportionately at the hands of the police.

Let's check this in real time.
I'll do this myself in real time, having never done it before.

Remember, black MALES is the issue.
Pew has a total lower number of blacks alone--31 million--but they put adults at 12 percent.

Let's jack it up to 15 percent.

That's 7,200,000 adults, using the largest possible number.

Divide it by 48 percent, and that's 3,456,000 black and biracial male adults.
Pew says there are 161 million whites, of whom 63 percent are adults.

That's 101 million adults.

What about AGE?!
We don't actually need to look into that.

The Boston Globe takes a hard fact and twists it into...racism.
"In 2018, the rate of arrests for violent crime was 3.6 times higher for Black people than white people. So actually, the argument goes, Black people are underrepresented as victims of police killings, after controlling for the number of encounters."
You have to give me that EVIDENCE.

If we're going by the numbers of police encounters, it's an indisputable fact that the more police encounters you have, they more likely it is that your luck will finally run out.

Per encounter, blacks are NOT more likely to die than whites.

Forgot to add the number of white MALE adults.


I'm going with 48 percent are male.
That's 1099 homicides out of 375 million police encounters per year and 10 million arrests.

(It's behind a paywall.)
Every single study out there is designed to fool you into accepting the narrative that cops are fascist racists.

Even cop haters agree that the annual number of people killed by cops is about 0.0003 percent of the population.

That's THREE TEN-THOUSANDTHS of 1 percent.
Don't commit crimes, and you'll be fine.

Regardless of your race.

I've been stopped by American cops six times.

Only twice was I ticketed.

Both tickets were bogus, and BOTH WERE IN BLUE STATES.
The civilized European and Japanese cops stopped me more times than I can count.

To check my papers and ask me what I was doing.

Norwegian cops took me to a nearby department store, commandeered the office, and strip searched me.
The Yugoslavian secret police (UDBA) interrogated me for three hours after one of their fine citizens stole my passport.

The Venezuelan DIGEPOL secret police tried to kidnap me and my siblings twice to hold us for ransom.

My father killed them all both times.
The second time they cut the power and broke down the front and back door.

My father had converted a Browning Automatic Rifle in to this, but it fired full automatic.
He could see in the dark like a cat.

The second the power went out, he yelled at us to hit the deck.

The front door flew open, and he killed the two men outside.

When he ran to the back door, the cops there had fled.
These were extralegal thugs, not SWAT or anything like that.

After it was over, my father told us to go to our rooms.

We hid under the pillows, and in the morning, there was no sign that anything had happened.

The combat veterans in the company worked together.
After this second attack, Venezuela disband DIGEPOL.

I have no doubt that my father pressured Washington, which pressured Venezuela.

Leftists are protesting and rioting and forming death squads over a hallucination.
Too many Americans have no factual knowledge about anything, so they don't know real numbers.

I repeat:

Every year, police kill an average of 1099 members of the public in 375 million encounters and while making 10 million arrests.
Time to get off their backs.

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