Happy Labor Day! This is your reminder that the USA labor day was chosen to be in September, not May 1 (International Workers Day) like everywhere else in the world, because associating Labor Day with Laborers is communism and will not be tolerated in this great nation of ours.
May 1, as we all know, is both Loyalty Day (a day for affirming how loyal you are to America), and Law day (a day for talking about how good it is to follow the law). These both, to me, seem like holidays for big nerds.
It is definitely a deliberate act to sever the connection between labor in the US and labor internationally. Maybe you think that it makes sense, that Americans are different / better than other workers and don't need int'l solidarity. I'm sure that's what some people think.
I personally don't believe this, and would point out that whenever, say, French workers don't like something, they bring the country to a standstill until concessions are made. The French worker, as a result, has a ton of govt-mandated time off and other lovely benefits.
The people who chose when USA's Labor Day was to be held, knew this. The people who have to power to make + change holidays know this, and they (I'm talking Republicans as well as Democrats here) obviously are interested in perpetuating the myth that Americans are Different.
That our workers are less deserving of childcare, mandatory sick pay, parental leave, or any contrivance that would make them less productive, simply because they live and work south of Canada and north of Mexico.
This thread is much longer than I intended it to be. Basically, recognize that international solidarity is necessary (but not sufficient) to handle the crises that are facing our planet. We either all win, or we all lose.
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